Lots of things to post about since my last post but shall make things simple
reopen of sch was delayed for one week
and that week alone was WORK and WORK
but when we got back to sch,
most of the lecturers told us that the work assigned wasnt for us!!
while means we wasted our time and effort to do the work for nothing!
we grumbled of course but oh well... life has to go on
second week wasnt any better too
rushing many work at the same time was crazy
maybe im just piling them up
but i promise i will clear them all eventually
esp Design Studio and Drawing & Rendering
these 2 modules takes up 6 credit units each...
so i have to do them very well
still life drawing is challenging but at the same the annoying when u have to spend that few hours just to finish a good drawing
but its all worth the marks.. just that i really need to find the time ):
watching AYG really motivates me to swim again
i've not been in the water for quite some time now
shall dedicate myself some time for that soon
hope i'll have company (:
really grateful and thankful for the sermon during service on sunday
the story on "Do Not Afraid" really made me learn alot
being on the plane with a storm outside
that little girl just did not worried about anything that is happening outside and the terrified adults around her
why? simply because her father was the pilot and he has promised her that he will bring her home...
Having such trust with her father is how we should all trust our Heavenly Father who is our pilot
if we do not trust Him, who should we trust then?
for now i still have a few big things to settle
1) Howl's Moving Castle design
2) Material Tech-Egg Container
3) Photography-portfolio
4) Design Studio-wood sample collection and many more...
shall perservere and do my very best in all that i do
hope to do well for this sem (:
Jia You!! (:
Had a great day with babe today
laughed so much today
a great evening after a terrible afternoon
stomach bloated again
feel very terrible throughout the afternoon
but thank God that i manage to pull thru till the end of the day
and for my sis who came to school to pass me my sketchbook for grading
really thankful for that trip (:
i thank God for everything today (:
i love God!
i love babe too! (:
always remembered, 12:21 AM