this girl here...
is on a school poster!!
Model eh!
i gotta show ms hannah asap! haha
last sunday's service was praise & worship!
love it soooo much!
the music was amazing and it made me cry while singing
i just love singing worship songs for the Lord! (:
and because i sang my lungs out,
i had some trouble in the rehearsal at 589A with the crew
had a big problem with the dance steps!
i was so demoralised!
BUT!!! i've mastered it after that day!
practicing over and over again for days already!
i hope i'll do a good job the next time round after regaining my confidence! (:
and i thank God for this chance (:
we had kite flying session for our model-making lesson and it was fairly fun
im glad that i had a decent looking kite but just a little sad that it didnt fly up in the sky cos the string was tied on the wrong side
im contented anyway (:
Shermane's kite flew so high up!
saw Wayne ytd evening when he was back for Year 2's lesson
we were all so shocked to see him back
how i wish he is taking us for model-making rather than Sean (although he's not that bad)
he said he'll be back next year to teach us! HURRAY! (:
hope to see Fay Oh someday! (:
Currently busy with my school work:
typo...light project & portrait
model-making..gotta buy foam core board again!
studio...ex 23, ex 24
photoshop... need ALOT of practice!
drawing & rendering... Perspective drawing
& many more....
SAT- full day CIP @ Plaza Singapura for BCF event
*having flu since monday, cough's coming too ):
pray for extra portion of strength
hope i'll recover soon (: