he doesnt look like one right? (:
a great bunch of ppl!
the birthday girls!
another week of school has passed...
school's still fine for me. had bday celebrations on monday with shermane and demi!
other than this celeb,
the rest of the days are just lecture, lecture and more lecture...
but there are new projects kicking in already (as of today...)
but im kinda looking forward forward to com skill's ICA 2 and wayne's retail design of CARTIER!!!
this is soooo cool!!!
im so gonna do a good job for these 2! (:
but now, the thing that's bothering me is studio's paper model!
still yet to think of the 2nd concept/recipe for the methodology, tough one...
think harder joanne!!!
will be going for GSM in about 6 hours time,
so i shall go get my rest now (:
bye ya'll!
ps: get well soon sissy! God bless you with speedy recovery! (: